
This magical land across the Indus was known all over the ancient world for her splendor,and today, few nations can boast of a Cultural Heritage as expansive and bountiful as that of India.


Over the centuries, the patronage of various kingdoms and empires in the Indian Subcontinent has left behind a rich legacy of skilled craftsmanship exhibited through the artforms of Architecture, Painting, Literature, Poetry, Textiles, and of course, Handicrafts.


At Sedr Heritage, we seek to preserve the glorious legacy of our past by Sourcing, Curating, Showcasing, and Promoting premium Artwork, Handicrafts, and Luxury Lifestyle Products.


A Heritage Conservation platform and Indian Luxury Lifestyle Brand, Sedr Heritage  showcases premium Indian Heritage product lines from  rare art and craft traditions that have remained obscure and stand the threat of becoming obsolete. We aim to highlight the finest of these from every region, and are currently showcasing the untapped heritage treasure-trove from our very own Paradise on earth - Kashmir.

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Sedr Heritage

As an Indian Luxury Lifestyle Brand, Sedr Heritage looks to re-introduce the forgotten lifestyle of Ethnic Luxury that used to grace the halls of Havelis, Deodis, and Palaces across Hindustan in ages past.

As a Heritage Conservation Platform, Sedr Heritage works with Artists, Craftsmen, Designers, Architects, Historians, and Heritage Conservationists, to revive and promote the hidden treasures that belong to the rich Khazana of Indian Heritage.  


Regional Showcase



One of the most significant points on the ancient Silk Route, for centuries Kashmir has been the center of tremendous trade & cultural exchange between China, India, Central Asia, Persia and even Europe. Unsurprisingly, this led to the evolution of unique artforms and traditions that blended diverse influences, and over the centuries, Kashmir came to be known for producing some of the finest handicrafts in the world.

Region Two

Region Two

Coming Soon!

Stay tuned for our next region that reflects centuries of cross-cultural exchange across very different ancient civilizations.

Region Three

Region Three

Coming Soon!

Stay tuned for our next region that reflects centuries of cross-cultural exchange across very different ancient civilizations.


We are always excited to collaborate with individuals who are passionate about Art, Architecture, History, and Culture. If that happens to be you, do get in touch with us to explore how we may work together to conserve and preserve our rich heritage for generations to come.

Get in touch

Hyderabad, India.
+91 9100283848
We are recognized as a startup by the Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade
© 2024 Sedr Heritage. All Rights Reserved.